Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 1

Yesterday at about 2:00 I learned that our flight to Amsterdam was at 4:00 that day instead of 4:00 the following day. A great start to our trip, I know. After quickly running the numbers I realized there was no way we were going to make the plane. So, I called Shelman more rattled than I thought possible (see: Grodman at volleyball practice) to give him the news. He was astonished. Could this trip that Shelman and I had become obsessed with (See: Galen and DMB. See also: Galen and Texas, Galen and the Red Sox, Galen and Ghana, Galen and the Loft) come to an abrupt end before it even started? Oh, how the turntables! (See: The Office).

Anyways, we missed the flight and because Sheltod and I got discounted tickets (See: we were unable to fly standby on any following flights. After 3 or 4 hours of making calls and talking to airline agents, it seemed our only option was to pay $900 extra to leave August 3rd, or not go at all. Then, just when all was lost, my dad came through in the clutch (See: David Tyree, 2008) and found a Delta Airlines agent named Ms. Allbright who was able to put us on a flight fo free today at 6:00 pm.

So, at long last, we're on our way to not only Amsterdam (see: Tom Harkin), but we're goin to Bruges, and Brussels, we're going to Paris and Munich and Prague, then we're going to Vienna and Switzerland, the we're going to Venice and Rome and Florence and the The Cinque Terre then Marseilles and Barcelona! Byahhh!


  1. Lovin' it already.

  2. The David Tyree reference is the best! Cud not think of a better credit. Have fun boys...keep the blog funny & often, I invited all my peeps to follow the adventure. (All 5 that is)

  3. Bob, thats only because you have never seen justin at volleyball practice
