Friday, December 12, 2014

Days 7 and 8: Buenos Aires

We spent our last two days in Buenos Aires doing more traditional sight seeing and sleeping in fewer ant colonies. We set up a home camp at an Airbnb in the Palermo Soho neighborhood and toured the city via bike. 

Paseo el Rosedal:

Botanical Gardens:

Leather shopping:


We ate great steaks at Don Julio (where the tablecloths are leather) and Floreria Atlantico (hidden in the basement of a flower shop) and got drinks at a manision-turned-bar called Milion. We went to a pool hall that had tables with no pockets (games take for-ev-er!):

And even got photo evidence of us talking to girls, Mom:

When we had seen all there was to see, we hailed a cab that had no defoggers and zoomed blindly in the rain to the airport, as the driver frantically rubbed fog off the windshield with his fingers. 

We enjoyed a final glass of Malbec in the airport before boarding the plane and making our way back home. 


Well that's about it from South America. Thanks for following along, dear reader -- we'll try to do better next time. 

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