Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Barcelona: Day 1


The ride to Barcelona was rough. Our first train was at 7 in the morning and one of our connecting trains was absolutely terrible. It was a rinky-dink red box-on-wheels that looked like it was being held together by scotch tape. The train was so full that even with people standing in the aisles, some passengers were left behind because they couldn’t fit inside. Definitely a ride to remember. Anyways, miracle of miracles we made it to Barcelona at about 4:00. We stopped for lunch on the way to the hostel. I ordered at double hamburger, which was literally just that. Two beef patties on a plate. Great. Max had a chicken sandwich that came with a fried egg on top (eggs, we later learned, came on top of pretty much everything). We unpacked, looked up things to do in Barcelona, geeked around for a little while, then passed out.

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